Tufin SecureTrack offers some possibilities if a device can't be monitored directly. One of them is to define a Generic Device. Just a short explanation of this kind device and how to configure it.

Generic Device

This kind of device is defined for SecureTrack Topology only. No Monitoring, no security configuration and no logs are imported into SecureTrack. Such a device is necessary if a non monitored device is needed to correct / enhance the Network Topolgy SecureTrack is working with. As you know, that's the base for enhanced features of SecureChange and SecureApp. So it's important to let the Topology of SecureTrack show the reality regarding Networks and Routing.

Since no data is used for reports, analysis of rule bases etc. no license for such a device is necessary.

Why and how to define it? Let's assume you have a topology which isn't according with the reality. Mostly the reason is a missing device, connecting two or more networks. The topology shows like e.g.

So defining a Generic Device might help to improve the topology to show the reality.

Just create a plain ASCII file with all relevant data. Referring to the User Guide might be useful...  ;)
If you want to define a Generic Device to connect the device "firstvs" managed by "SMC-Rio" with the net the plain ASCII file might look like this example:

Name, Ip, Mask, Vrf

Destination, Mask, Interface, Next-Hop, Vrf,, interface1,

Now it's time to import the file to SecureTrack. This is done in the menu option "Network > Topology > Add Generic Device".

The next step is to save the file and to wait for a moment. SecureTrack is calculating the new Topology. After finishing it, the Generic Device is shown in the SecureTrack Topology. For sure, this change will also be known in SecureChange.

So from now on, this device is known in Tufin SecureTrack Topology and also considered by the other components of the Tufin Orchestration Suite.
If there is a "big Core Device" by Cisco, no definition of all Interfaces and routes is necessary. Just an import of exported configuration data does the job. Redirect the output of

# show ip route
# show ip interface

to a file and import it as shown above. We have proved this also for very big configuration files - and it works if it's a Cisco device...