Category: SecureChange

In a workflow the field „Manager“ can be used. This might be useful if the manager has to approve a ticket requested by a member of his team.

The requester provides the E-Mail address of his manager so this person can approve the request in the next step.It's mandatory to have in the next step a "Manager Assignment" so the decision who has to work on the ticket is flexible. Besides this, if the mail address provided by the requester isn's valid for Manager function, the E-Mail will be sent to a "Default Manager" provided in the following step. This person (named Default_Manager below) is able to approve/reject the ticket as well to reassign it.


If the manager gets the E-Mail from SecureChange, logging in to SecureChange is necessary. After this, working on the ticket is possible.

Having local users configured, the validity of the mail address is checked. Examples:

So as a result, when this option is used with local users, everything works as designed in SecureChange.The Manager is able to approve a step even if he doesn't have "global rights by role" to do so. Having a LDAP Server connected to SecureChange, this is the result:

Please be aware, that the MANAGER as well as the DEFAULT-MANAGER need to be known in SecureChange or LDAP Server. The MANAGER doesn't need appropriate rights in every case.